All posts by jsismurakami

VOL. 17, NO. 2 (AUGUST, 2016)

The Approach of Geotourism in Mishima Kikai Caldera Geopark, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
FUKAMI Satoshi

Consideration of Economics about the Market of an Island that is Effected by Remote Island Bridging: In Order to Regain the Lost Market after Crosslinking.
KURONUMA Yoshihiro

【Research Note】
An Introduction of Nissology (4): In Search of the Appropriate Sustainable Island Technology.
KAKAZU Hiroshi

VOL. 17, NO.1 (FEBRUARY, 2016) *From this issue, we have shifted to a biannual publication.

On Structural Features of “Paradise” Tourist Sites: Simulacre, Vulnerability, and Touristic Domination.

The Era of the “Irregular-trading (hensoku-boueki)”: An Aspect of Japan-Korea Exchange in Tsushima, 1955-1968.

Greenland, the Island of Military Bases: Negotiations for Turning the Island into a Missile Ddefence Stronghold.

【Research Notes】
Distribution and Cultivation Practices of Capsicum pubescens on the Islands of Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, Indonesia.

An Introduction to Nissology: In Search for the Models of Sustainable Island Development. KAKAZU Hiroshi

National Security around Islands: The United Kingdom-Argentina Tensions Rising Again and the Future.
KANDA Hidenobu

NO. 16 (MARCH 2015)

Overall Optimization of Islands Area, and Construction Technology: Considering about the Effect by Building a Bridge to Irabujima Island, Okinawa Prefecture.
Yoshihiro Kuronuma

The Current Situation of the Fishery-related Laws Violation and the Correspondence of the Fisheries.
Takashi Torii

Movements Supporting the Improvement of the Quality of Life in the Post-War Era: A Case Study of Regional Women’s Associations in Yamato Village on Amami Island.
Qing Zhi JI

【Research Notes】
Examination of Organizational Framework and Restructuring Process of Self-governing organization due to the Establishment of “Regional Autonomies” after Merger: In the Case of Etajima City (Bridged Islands Region), Hiroshima.
Tomoko Yamada

An Introduction to Nissology(2): Characteristics and Development Potentials of Island Societies. Hiroshi Kakazu

【Documents and Archives】
Sightseeing of the Remote Islands in Japan: On the Number of Sightseeing, Staying Guests, Service Industry Persons at Work, Number Change.

【Book Reviews】
Hitoshi NAKAMATA (2014): Tonaki-jima (Tonaki Island): Its Land Dividing System and the Conservation of Historical Landscapes.
Satoshi Suyama

Satoshi SUYAMA (2014): Regional Characteristics of Amami Oshima Island: From Various Viewpoints of Undergraduate students
Akira Takagi

NO. 15 (MARCH 2014)

Disaster Management in Island Regions as a Development Subject: Examples from the Caribbean Islands Region.
Yosuke Okita

Contributions of Financial Institutions to Regional Economic Development.
Kiyotsugu Yoshihara

Thinking of “swine” in the Corsican society (France).
Hideki Hasegawa

Issues Surrounding Organization and Operation of Regional Autonomies after Merger: In the Case of “Town Planning Council” of Kure City (Bridged Islands Region), Hiroshima.

Regional Woman’s Association and Gender: A case study of Odana community at Yamato-village in Amami-Oshima.
Qing Zhi JI

【Research Notes】
An Introduction to Nissology: Definitions, Approach and Taxonomy.
Hiroshi Kakazu

NO. 14 (SEPTEMBER 2013)

Sustainability of the Limited Resources in the Island Achieved by Application of Construction Technology: In Considering about the Underground Dam Construction in Taramajima Island, Okinawa Prefecture.
Yoshihiro KURONUMA

Adieu Foulard, Adieu Madras and the Birth of French Caribean Diaspora.

A Comparative Study on Disaster-Prevention of the Elderly in Amami Oshima: From the Disaster Experience of People in Chinase and Nishinakama Villages.
Xian-Chen MENG

【Documents and Archives】
Marine Product Industry of the Remote Islands in Japan: On the Fisheries: On the Fisheries Outputs and Fishing Boats Powers, Marine Production Types.

Okinawa in the Asia Pacific: Thriving Locally in a Globalized World.
Hiroshi KAKAZU

Sakida MITSUNOBU (2012): The Policy of Sugar Production in Amami Islands and Funds for the Overthrowing of the Shogunate.
Satoshi SUYAMA

NO. 13 (JANUARY 2013)

In Memory of Late Prof. Yoshimasa Yamashina, the Founder of The Japan Society of Island Studies. Yuji SUZUKI

Total Utility of Islands Increasing by Compositing Construction Technology: A Case Study of the Underground Dam Construction Effects in Miyakojima Region, Okinawa Prefecture.
Yoshihiro KURONUMA

Inheritance Activities of the Local Community Arts: Initiative of Schools, in Amami Oshima Island

【Research Notes】
Consumer’s Food Selection Standards in Remote Island: A Case of Aogashima Island.

On the Effects of the Traffic Irregularity between Island and Mainland for Islanders Lives: A Case Study in Awashima Island, Niigata Prefecture

【Book Review】
Masami YUGE, Masao IWATA, Takashi IIDA and Kiyomi NAKAYAMA (2012): Past and Present of Naze City: From Pictorial Maps to Cadastral Maps.
Satoshi SUYAMA


・東京都の島しょ医療―意外と知られていない現在,過去そして未来―Ⅱ 島しょ医療機関と共有する課題(小山 茂)

・沿岸域砂泥底に生息する二枚貝Anadara spp.の人間活動を介した海から陸への移動―フィジー共和国ビチレブ島南東部の村落を例に―(河合 渓・西村 知・鳥居享司・小川領一・コカナシカ A.・ベイタヤキ J.)
・Use of Capsicum Peppers in Micronesia: A Case Study in the Yap Islands and Mili Atoll(Yamamoto Sota)
・ツバル語におけるココヤシの文化語彙-言語に表れた民族のくらし-(橘 広司)

・島嶼産業における業種間バランスの時空間動態の可視化(大西 修平・関 いずみ)
・アノマリーとしての世界自然遺産―奄美・沖縄の事例に関する観光リスク論的考察―(吉田 竹也)



・東京都の島しょ医療―意外と知られていない現在,過去そして未来―Ⅰ 概説・救急医療(小山 茂)


・長崎県島嶼の河川水質と流域環境について―対馬・壱岐・平戸諸島を中心に―(矢巻 剛・小寺浩二)

・坂野 徹著『<島>の科学者─パラオ熱帯生物研究所と帝国日本の南洋研究─』勁草書房,2019年(飯田卓・山本宗立・(応答)坂野 徹)
・大塚 靖・山本宗立編『ミクロネシア学ことはじめ─絶海の孤島・ピンゲラップ島編─』南方新社,2019年(鳥居享司)
・渡辺芳郎編著『奄美群島の歴史・文化・社会的多様性』南方新社,2020年(須山 聡)
・冨澤公子著『長生きがしあわせな島<奄美>』かもがわ出版,2020年(須山 聡)


第21-1 号(2020年2 月発行)

・Simple Simulation Model: Successful Water Borne Dispersal in Terrestrial Spiders to Reach Lake Islands (HAYASHI Morito)

・産業化されない織物作りと地域社会―沖縄県小浜島の事例―(伊藤 紫)

・田畑洋一編『奄美の復帰運動と保健福祉的地域再生』南方新社,2019年(宋 多情)




・Long-Term Survey of Food Consumption on Pingelap Island, Pohnpei State, the Federated States of Micronesia (YAMAMOTO Sota)

・斎藤 憲・樫本喜一著『奄美日本を求め,ヤマトに抗う島―復帰後奄美の住民運動―』南方新社,2019年(桑原季雄・高江洲昌哉,(応答)斎藤憲・樫本喜一)
・嘉数 啓著『島嶼学―Nissology―』古今書院,2019年(須山 聡)
・ロイル,S.A.著,中俣 均訳『島の地理学―小さな島々の島嶼性―』法政大学出版局,2018年(須山 聡)
・池上大祐・杉村泰彦・藤田陽子・本村 真編『島嶼地域科学という挑戦』ボーダーインク,2019年(鈴木勇次)
